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Information for Researchers


Information for Researchers

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Support

Esther Sarino, MLIS
757 446-5852

Marissa Stone, MSLS
757 446-5849

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) support

Esther Sarino, MLIS
757 446-5852


General Research Databases

Human Genome Sources

​​​​​​Computational Molecular Biology Sources

Full-text Resources


Copyright Clearance Center

EVMS has an annual Copyright License which is designed to help save faculty and staff members' time, support learning and research, and ensure that the college is in compliance with copyright law.


Library Assisted Searches

Research librarians are available to conduct literature searches and provide training sessions in the use of information resources.

Please call the Information Desk at (757)446-5851 or email us at to discuss a search.


For library forms, please visit our quick links page.


Statistical Resources

Looking for help with Biostatistics? There are several resources on campus for EVMS associates.

  • EVMS Office of Research works to promote research opportunities in the broader EVMS community and to enhance medical students’ research experiences through close collaborations with existing research programs.
  • EVMS Medical Student Research lead by Joshua F. Edwards, MPH works to foster a culture of innovation and discovery among medical students by providing training, resources, and mentors to pursue research interests. 
  • Research and Infrastructure Service Enterprise (RISE) institute at EVMS can assist with statistical analysis to create research projects with evidence-based foundation for improved patient outcomes by fostering the efficient use of healthcare analytic skills and bioinformatics
  • Check with your department.  Some departments have their own biostatistician.  Pediatrics, Public Health and Dermatology are several examples.
Faculty & Residents

EVMS Office of Research works to promote research opportunities in the broader EVMS community and to enhance medical students’ research experiences through close collaborations with existing research programs.

Please note that for students, residents, and fellows the RISE service timeline requires at least one year. 

Statistical Software
  • The Library has SAS available on select computers in the Library Lab. Note that staff has very limited knowledge of SAS.
  • SPSS is part of the Medical and Health Professions Education curriculum.  ODU's MOVE Virtual Environment allows access to a virtual desktop via a browser. 


Research Opportunities

EVMS Office of Research works to promote research opportunities in the broader EVMS community and to enhance medical students’ research experiences through close collaborations with existing research programs.


Publishing Assistance

The EVMS Library participates in the VIVA Library consortium which has publisher agreements to help cover publishing costs.

Find a journal

EndNote (Clarivate) Publication Matcher:  Submit a manuscript title, abstract, and references and EndNote Publication Matcher will look for credible journals that match your topic and references.

Jane - Journal/Author Name Estimator: Submit a abstract, keywords or title and Jane searches PubMed for the 50 articles that are most similar to your input and ranks on a confidence score.

Sherpa Services: UK based tool to get clear guidance on whether a journal complies with a funder's open access policies.

Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world,

Where to Publish Case Reports. GW's Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library created list. Last updated in Jan 2023 but still a great resource.

Publishing Guides 

Where (and Where Not) to Publish Your Work - A great guide from Karen @ ODU

What is Scholarly Communication? - A great guide from Karen @ ODU