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Tip-UpToDate registration


In order to use the UpToDate mobile app or full suite of online resources off campus we first need to associate your UpToDate account with the EVMS Library license agreement. NOTE: This process needs to be done once every 90 days.  UpToDate sends out reminders if you need to reconfirm your EVMS affiliation. 

Before you begin we will need current EVMS credentials.  If you have not used your credentials in over six months they are very likely expired and need to be reset.  The Network Information Center can help, Lewis Hall, Suite 1003 or 757.446.5871

  1. Go to the library webpage using any browser.
  2. Click Orange “Find Quick Links” button
  3. Under the “Clinical databases” section heading choose UpToDate^u&srcsys=EZPX123887
    This proxied link lets UpToDate know you are affiliated with EVMS.
  4. If you are off campus it will ask you for your EVMS credentials on a very plain webpage.
    EZproxy logon screen
  5. If you are on a desktop you should now see “Eastern Virginia Medical School” in the upper right.
    UpToDate logon screen
  6. Next Choose “Log In”  this login is your unique UpToDate personal account credentials.  If you are new to UpToDate chose "register."   Note that UpToDate and EVMS do not share credentials, your UpToDate account credentials should be unique.
  7. Once you “Log In”  you should see your name in the upper right.  Like this:
    UpToDate logged on
  8. Your personal UpToDate account is now associated with the EVMS Library license.  Note that you will need to do this once every 6 months.  UpToDate will send you an email refresh reminder.
  9. To use the mobile app on your personal device, open app and log in using your UpToDate Credentials.
    UpToDate paa